Sydney the Wombat

Office Mascot

Meet Sydney, the Design Balance mascot! She came to DBI all the way from Australia where she was born and raised. After studying Burrow Construction Sciences at the University of Melbourne, she decided to pursue her love of the built environment to above the ground and head over to America, where DBI has given her ample opportunity to experience the active world of human architecture. Read below for more about Sydney, and keep an eye out for her on future site visits and Design Balance events!

Sydney the (Womble?) Wombat, and how she finds her balance, in her own words:

1.       I’m a hugger. There’s a reason wombats looks so cuddly!

2.       I’m a vegetarian, but I just may change that for the BBQ everybody here in Texas is crazy about.

3.       My mom had a cameo role in the movie The Rescuers Down Under, and people say we look just alike. Does that make me famous?

4.       I’m very shy by nature, but am trying to get better at networking for professional reasons, as long as I can avoid those scary Dingoes! (I heard they eat babies)

5.       Though I can go weeks without drinking, I don’t like to let many happy hours pass without a can of Fosters.

6.       Even though wombats are obviously marsupials, my semi-degrading nickname in college was “Mies van der Rodent”.

7.       My favorite sport is Rugby, but I don’t have the physique for it.

8.       A group of wombats is called a “Wisdom”, but you may want to wait until I’m a little more experienced before coming to me for architectural advice.

9.       My favorite spot in Dallas is the downtown tunnel system, because it reminds me of my home.

10.   Wombat excrement is cube-shaped. I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t a big part of why I love to build things and got into architecture.